Real Brides: Rosemary
When I was in college, I met my husband through a mutual friend at a Judah and the Lion concert. I wasn't interested in him at the time, and same goes for him...but for some reason he stood out to me, and I never forgot about him. We followed each other on all social media platforms, which is rare for me and we left it at that for six months. We both did a lot of growing in this time.
One day, out of the blue, he reached out to me and invited me to a concert he was playing in. He was the lead singer of the band. I assumed he was interested in me because of this invite (I thought wrong because he actually sent the same invite to 70 other people) and I decided to go. Problem was the concert was in Pennsylvania, and I was in Colorado at the time. So I made the crazy decision to end my spring break early, jump in my car, and drive 22 hours to his show. I arrived just in time to see him play and loved it! He did amazing.
After the show, I hung around for a while with the excuse that I wanted to buy one of his band shirts and I invited him to another Judah and the Lion concert that just so happened to be in a couple of days. So here I am, inviting a guy I barely know to drive with me to a concert that is two hours away, after just arriving from a 22 hour road trip for him...nothing like me at all. He jumped on the opportunity and agreed. We stayed up that night, talking until two in the morning.
A couple of days later we went to the concert and had a wonderful time. I've never felt so sure of anything in my life, I knew he was the one. I decided to move closer to him within a couple of days and we started officially dating. It was perfect. We moved fast, but why did we need to wait? We knew. I am so blessed by him in every way. He is my best friend and I honestly can't think of a time where he wasn't by my side.
I knew my dress was the one when I saw it on Instagram, I was stunned. It was so beautiful! I had the dress shipped to Colorado to try on along with other gowns. But this dress... it was the first dress I tried on where I didn't feel like just a girl in a dress, but a bride. It was breathtaking. It’s hard to describe how beautiful it made me feel but I didn't need to look any further after trying it on!
Photo: Harrison Vann Cole and Daniel Garcia Lopez
Dress: H1378