Real Brides: Courtney

I met Trevor in 3rd grade when he moved into the house behind me. We played hockey in the driveway, jumped on the trampoline, chased the ice cream truck, all the best childhood things. At 8 years old I told my mom I was going to marry him some day! Trevor moved away, but we continued to go to the same schools. We never dated in high school, but remained acquaintances. We went our separate ways for college, but a few years later we ran into each other at the bowling alley in our hometown! And the rest is history!

The coolest part about Moonlight is that you can create that perfect dress. I knew I loved the big satin skirt, but I also loved the open back so I put them together! I knew it was the one when I truly felt like a bride and was able to picture myself walking down the aisle. It was such an amazing experience to create my own dress! 

Photos by Jaclyn Dickens Photo 

Courtney customized her gown with a satin A-line skirt.

Courtney  Photo Courtney  Photo Courtney  Photo