Real Brides: Alyssa

Photographer's instagram: @erinrenphoto
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Jake and I met in college in Wayne, NE. One night we went out with some mutual friends and it got to be pretty late, our friends were ready to call it a night but I was having so much fun with Jake we both agreed to stay longer. We ended up hanging out and talking till almost 4:30 am bonding over sharing our favorite songs and getting to know each other more. It was our senior year so I tried to avoid admitting I liked him because who knew where life would take us after college. A few weeks passed by and it was unavoidable - we finally admitted it to each other and 4 years later we are married back in his hometown and our college town in good ol' Wayne America! I love this little town and family :)
This actually wasn't my first dress. I had been scrolling on Pinterest before my bridal appointment right after stores started opening again and I pinned almost this exact same one. Sleek and satin is all I wanted.
To my disappointment, due to covid there was nothing like it at the store at the time... I got so caught up in the moment and wanting to take a dress home that day that I settled for a dress that I thought I loved.. but wasn't what I originally had in mind at all... It was gorgeous, but totally different. A few months later, the same store (Satin Hanger in Springfield, NE) posted my absolute dream dress... I couldn't stop thinking about it I even asked her about pricing but decided I would stick with my choice.
It was only a month before my wedding and I couldn't shake the feeling that I didn't feel confident in my dress.. I kept scrolling through Pinterest and through the bridal shops posts until I finally admitted I made the wrong decision.. YOU ONLY GET MARRIED ONCE and it felt so good to finally get it off my chest. I contacted Natalee at Satin Hanger about this dress she posted and they had it in my size - the next day I was heading to the same store I had visited a year ago. I put it on and I had tears in my eyes.. It was a totally different feeling than the first time I came to the shop. This dress was made for me. I left with it that day and I don't regret my decision one bit to get another dress I felt high maintenance for being the girl who ended up with two dresses but I would pay any amount of money to feel that way again. 
My advice to all bride-to-be's take your time and wait till that moment that brings tears to your eyes.. I just didn't think that existed until I tried this moonlight bridal dress on. 

Dress: T922

Alyssa  Photo Alyssa  Photo Alyssa  Photo