Real Brides: Jillian

I moved from Canada to Northern Ireland to study midwifery. In my first week here I met Dominic at church on a Sunday evening (he’s from Scotland but was studying in Belfast too!) I went to the church to try and meet people since I didn’t know anyone in Belfast. I was really lucky because I met some good friends that night! There was a group that seemed to know each other and I joined them, and met Dom. It’s a little funny because my parents immigrated to Canada from Scotland after they got married, and then I met a guy from Scotland and am moving there after we got married! Needless to say, I have a pretty decent souvenir from my little adventure over. 
I knew my dress was the one because my mom and I both thought “oh that’s just me/Jillian in dress form!”  I was really calm and comfortable, and couldn’t wait to try on all the accessories. I didn’t know what I did want, but I knew what I didn’t want. As usual, I ended up with a dress that I wouldn’t have imagined for myself but I feel so beautiful and it made me so excited for our wedding!  I had expected to have this big “wow” moment, but I really felt so relaxed and it was like “ah. Ok. This is it. I found my dress!”  I’m really happy it went that way because It made me feel sure of the decision. 
Photo Credits: Catching The Moments

Dress: J6774

Jillian Photo Jillian Photo Jillian Photo